Mapping Heritage Transformation Network
A network for reseach on urban mapping and reconstruction.
Scholars and experts from various disciplines such as: urban planning, heritage preservation, human geography, digital humanities, social cartography, architectural and art history, archaeological studies, literature studies and history interested in interdisciplinary exchange.
Peter J. Larkham
Professor of Planning, Birmingham City University
My interests are in urban form and change, including conservation and post-catastrophe reconstruction. This includes consideration of how conservation was dealt with in UK post-Second World War reconstruction plans, and recently exploring why the remnants of certain war-damaged buildings have persisted into the contemporary urban landscape - how are they used today, and what form of heritage do they represent?

Zoya Masoud
Zoya Masoud studied architecture and urban plannung in Damascus, Hamburg and Das es Salaam. She worked in the cultural heritage preservation field in Damascus, Aleppo and Berlin. Her research focuses on the social impact of damage assessment initiatives within Middle Eastern cities.

Radek Ptaszynski
Professor at the University of Szczecin.
Historian, political scientist, sociologist; Chairman of the Scientific Council Institute of History; author and co-author of 13 books and several dozen scientific articles.
His research interests focus on the social and political changes in Poland after World War II, biography, political thought, Polish-French, Polish-Jewish relations after 1945; co-creator of the Centre of Biographical Research University of Szczecin, secretary of the editorial board of “Polish Biographical Studies” journal; nominated for the Kazimierz Moczarski Historical Aword (2019), The Historical Book of the Year Awards (2018, 2019), Jan Dlugosz Historical Aword (2019); winner of the “West Pomeranian Nobel Prize”.

Anna Vyazemtseva
Anna Vyzemtseva studied history of art and architecture in Moscow and in Rome. She is specialized in art, architecture and urban planning of late XIX–XX c., modern and contemporary Italian art and architecture, problems of arts under dictatorship, cultural relations between USSR and the West, Russian artists and architects in Italy, conservation and restauration of “difficult heritage” of 1920–1940s.

Seraphim Alvanides
Dr. Seraphim Alvanides is Associate Professor at Northumbria University (Newcastle, UK) and Team Leader at the GESIS Department of Data Services for the Social Sciences (Köln, DE) where he is responsible for the subproject Sozialkartographie. He is a social geographer, with methodological expertise in quantitative methods and Geographical Information Science. His research and teaching interests include urban sprawl, land use change , active transport, and more recently spatial humanities (e.g. critical toponymy). The substantive question driving his research is to what extent the environment (broadly defined) influences individual and community behaviours and outcomes. Seraphim is elected Chair of the RGS-IBG Geographical Information Science research group (GIScRG), co-editor of the journal E&PB: Urban Analytics and City Science, Associate Editor for the Heliyon Section Environment and an advocate of Open Science principles.

Dominik Kremer
Dominik Kremer studied Geography, Applied Computer Science and Philosophy and specialized on Computing in the Cultural Sciences with a dissertation on place based information processing. He is interested in innovative computational analyses and models of individual perspectives on space and place.

Barbara Szczepańska
Barbara Szczepańska is an art and architecture historian based in Wrocław, Poland. She is currently preparing a doctoral dissertation concerning architecture and urban planning of Opole (a city in southwestern Poland) in the years 1945-1989.
She is interested in researching post-war architecture and built environment in the context of their relations with heritage, history, ideology and politics.
…and the UrbanMetaMapping project team